Finishing Boot Camp

moving on to the next steps in the male fertility optimization process

Finishing Boot Camp and moving on to the next steps in the male fertility optimization process

Congratulations on completing Sperm Boot Camp!

The recommended changes based upon your personal risk factors are designed to optimize the environment for sperm production as much as possible. It is important to note that the overall goal of Boot Camp is to provide a sustained impact on improved fertility potential, so it is recommended that you continue these interventions while you are working on your fertility efforts. Once your wife/partner is pregnant and through her first trimester (when the chances of miscarriage are significantly lower) then these interventions can be discontinued. If a subsequent pregnancy is planned in the future, then the Boot Camp recommendations can be re-initiated 3 to 6 months prior to starting your efforts to conceive again.

For Men with Normal Fertility Testing

For men who have normal fertility testing, the Sperm Boot Camp is all that is generally needed in terms of interventions from the male side. If a pregnancy has not been established in another 6 to 12 months of trying, repeat semen analysis testing may be indicated to make sure that good basic semen parameters are being maintained.

For Couples Who Are Working With a Male Fertility Specialist

In men with documented fertility problems (such as abnormal semen analysis testing), the Sperm Boot Camp is just one part of the process of optimizing your fertility potential. A more comprehensive evaluation of all medical and hormonal risk factors (as described in the “Medical Optimization Program” on this website) should be undertaken in conjunction with a male fertility specialist. This specialist should also be able to provide you with counseling on general health problems that are found more frequently in men with abnormal fertility testing.

Please print off a copy of your Personal Fertility Profile and bring it with you to your next appointment with your male fertility specialist so that they can see what interventions you are working on in terms of lifestyle modifications, antioxidants, etc. They can also answer any additional questions that you might have regarding these risk factors.